Introducing the Configurable BrandGuard Score
Configure BrandGuard score to match your preferences
When we started BrandGuard, our primary use case was companies that were scaling their marketing with generative AI and needed an automated approval solution. As we pitched the product to more large organizations, we found out that most of them were not yet using Gen AI, but already had a brand governance problem.
The first BrandGuard score was designed to be pass/fail for all assets. In a world that isn’t yet embracing generative AI, we needed a lot more nuance. We’ve also learned from customers that different teams at different points in the workflow care more about different pieces of scoring. A creative team may care a lot about “on-brandedness” while a production team might care more about logo distortion in a final asset.
As a result of these customer discussions, I’m excited to announce we now have configurable BrandGuard scores. If all you care about is “tone and voice,” then that’s all the model will check. If you care more about brand identity than style guide enforcement, just turn on the relevant models.
Below is a screenshot of the new functionality.
Large companies have disparate workflows and different brand governance needs. BrandGuard now lets you configure scoring to match the way you govern brand assets at various points in your asset lifecycle.
If you aren’t a BrandGuard customer yet but want to try it out, you can sign up for a demo here.